What is it and how does it work?

Mussar practice works by focussing and reflecting on an aspect of your soul - a soul trait or middah - one at a time.
Through doing this, you will notice profound and positive changes in the way you interact with the world and those around you.
For example, a soul trait or middah we often begin with is Humility. Humility is a rough translation of the Hebrew word avanah. We learn that Jewish tradition interprets humility-avanah in a broad sense. It's not just about stepping back from the centre of attention, but may also call for stepping more into the centre. Studying humility will show you the transformational power and possibility of Mussar.
Jewish spirituality has so much to offer us as we journey through life. Here at SoulBalance, we love to hear from each other how we work ancient wisdom into our everyday. We find each conversation inspiring, enlightening and supportive of cultivating positivity and good practices into every day.
There are many ways to connect with what we are doing. You can easily subscribe to our newsletter through the pop-up box invite you'll have seen when you landed here! For more, you can sign up as a site member which will allow you to log in and access our forum spaces. And for even more, to keep up to date regularly with blogs and news, you can follow us as a site member via our home on the Wix Spaces app. Just download the app from your usual app store, and use the invite code 0N6CSB. Find information on current courses here.
We do look forward to you joining us! We are regularly live on Facebook at Tuesday 8.10am and occasionally at other times on Facebook, with all posts viewable on both our Facebook page, and our YouTube channel (click on the link below, or find @soulbalancemussar on both platforms). We hope this helps you to cultivate a strong practice of gratitude, and that you feel it working wonders for the rest of your day!

Gillian and Anna are based in Leeds (Yorkshire, UK) and enjoy experimenting with Jewish ritual and prayer space, in person. You can find out more by becoming a site member and signing up to our Leeds Soul Balance forum